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Change orange text to your liking: <div class="btn-log" style="text-decoration: none; text-align: center;"><strong><span style="color: #ffffff;"><a h...
Yes, you would have to use the CSS coding you use in CMS Pages in the content of widgets such as the RichText widget or RawHTML widget. Titles in multiple languages aren't supported. Of ...
Use the Work Apps widget to link to features in your top level content or space content.
The following is an example of creating a custom widget in Page Builder using the Raw HTML widget, HTML, and Javascript. It demonstrates the power of Page Builder and ho...
You can create a stacked right template for events.
You can create a people grid template that will look something like this.
You can create a page to launch into your other apps.
The Launchpad is a custom widget that you can use to provide hyperlinks to launch into your other systems.
Sorry, I should be more clear. It's a bit technical and we typically don't offer this for clients because it doesn't catch every single url. When we have done this in the past, clients wil...
First , specify your CSS class in the Advanced tab of your widget, in this case I called mine mywidgetclass: Second , use Chrome Developer tools or any css friendly tool to look at the CSS classes ava...
Type tekst hier inhoud hier.. code : <div class="axero-widget "> <div class="axero-widget-header"> <h3>Type tekst hier</h3> </div> <div class="...
<div class="ax-action-buttons"> <ul class="thumbnails"> <li class="span4"><a class="thumbnail" href="/spaces/1088/truck-platooning/tp-...
Interactieve map. Plaatje opslaan op
<span class="thumb-icon" style="color: #ff6600;"><em class="icon-volume-up"></em></span> Zoek bijpassend icoon op via tab toevoegen.
Language switch in dynamic property top of spcae
Search filter articles
Floating menu, scroll box
People directory: cut off about me text
member count in spaces
accordion code
Badge Challenge
Color of text links
Mail aliassen en groep mail
shorten links in invite mails
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