Schakel JavaScript in om de bestand uploader te gebruiken.
CSS font override
Overwrite Axero content control panel
how to css overwrite standard article font size and color
.axero-page .container-fluid { padding-left : 20px ; padding-right : 20px ; } in order to create left and right page margins like the space community pages. add to CSS override
Script is bv: <!-- script begins here --> <script type="text/javascript">var servicedomain=""; var frmRef=&...
Put the below code in a RAW HTML widget. Note for future reference, take note of the class="language-english" and class="language-dutch", this are required to load the proper conte...
Links for creating webservices Xpath: Web Service:
-In Excel 2010, select Data, then "From Text" in "Get External Data" -It opens a file selection window; select the CSV file you want to open, click "Import" -For file ori...
{{SPACE_NAME}} Θ Wall Post Notification Dear {{FIRST_NAME}}, {{FROM_FIRST_NAME}} {{FROM_LAST_NAME}} has posted to your wall: {{WALL_POST_BODY}} {{WALL_POST_SHAREDLINK_URL}} {{WALL_POST_SHARE...
<p><img alt="" height="721" src="http://........" width="600" /></p>
En en NL content in any editor section to sync with language selection: <div class="language-dutch"> content in between </div> <div class="language-english"> content in between </...
Iframe codes <p><iframe width="1200" height="900" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes" src="https://plak hier de url"></...
Onderstaande code: <div style="text-align: center;"> <div class="axero-widget" style="display: inline-block; width: 130px; line-height: 0;"> &...
<div class="axero-widget"> <div class="axero-widget-header" style="color: #003366;"> <h5>Type header here...</h5> ...
<CFControl:DyveContentListControl runat="server" ParentContentID="238" NumberOfRecords="5" SpaceID="7" EntityType="6" SortOrderType="Desce...
<p><iframe width="1268" height="925" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes" src="
E-mail templates
How to upload apps?
How to use TransportLAB CRM
UI Customization Guide